Movies by Caroline Rae 


My Career started at a very young age of 7 years old when I watched I Love Lucy for the very first time. Something about its authenticity and charm captured me and I have been a cinematic lover ever since. However, it took me a while to realize I could have a career in what I loved so much.  During college I spent many hours deciding on what my career path could be. I began with Physical Therapy, Mechanical Engineering, and Medical Diagnostic Sonography. 


It was during my Med program when I realized something was missing. Although I loved math and science I felt like it wasn't enough to keep me satisfied. Often times when I felt lost climbing the ladder for a perfect career I would find myself always going back to film in some way. I would watch a movie over and over to learn something new about lighting and patterns in stories, I analyzed sitcoms for the fun of it, and even created a YouTube Channel of me solving Math equations: "Calculations with Caroline." To combine my love of movie making with math and science. 


Finally with my Junior year of college coming to an end it hit me like a brick wall. If I enjoy film so much and I already dedicate all my free time to it why not make a career of it? So that's what I did. I believed in myself and decided that getting a career isn't like climbing a ladder but it's like climbing a jungle gym. You go all over the place! This Lucille Ball quote really stands out to me when she says, "I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can". I take this to heart because to find my true passion I first had to learn what  wasn't my passion. 


"I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can" - Lucille Ball